Australian Partner Visa Application You Wish You Knew Before

You may be considering applying Australian partner visa application if you are in a relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible citizen of New Zealand.

You can be near your loved one while you live, work, and study in Australia with this visa. It can be difficult to understand the visa application process, but we are here to simplify it for you.

Let’s go over everything you need to know about the Australian partner visa application, including the requirements for eligibility, how to apply, and advice on how to submit a strong application.

Australian partner visa application
Australian partner visa application

Australian Partner Visa Application

The spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen is qualified for the Australian Partner Visa.

Partner visas come in two primary types,

1. Temporary Partner Visa (Subclass 820 and 309)

With the help of this visa, you can temporarily reside in Australia while the processing of your permanent visa is ongoing.

Subclass 309 is for applications from outside of Australia, and Subclass 820 is for applicants who are already in the country.

2. Permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801 and 100)

You can reside permanently in Australia with this visa.

Applicants with a Subclass 820 visa may apply under Subclass 801, and those with a Subclass 309 visa may apply under Subclass 100.

Eligibility Criteria

Just before applying for an Australian Partner Visa, make sure you meet the requirements.

1. Relationship Requirements

  • Spouse: Your partner and you must be legally married.
  • De facto partner: Even before applying, you had to be in a de facto relationship for a minimum of 12 months.

De Facto Relationships and the Law – CLICK HERE

2. Sponsorship

Your spouse needs to be open to supporting you.

They must be at least 18 years old and either a citizen of Australia, a permanent resident, or an eligible citizen of New Zealand.

3. Character Requirements

In addition to meeting the necessary health and character requirements, you and your partner must also provide police clearances from countries where you have resided for 12 months or longer during the previous 10 years.

3. Genuine Relationship

You have to show that your relationship is sincere and ongoing.

Evidence of shared finances, living arrangements, social activities, and commitment to one another can all be included in this.

Australian partner visa application
Australian partner visa application

How to Apply for Australian Partner Visa?

There are a few phases in the Australian Partner Visa application process.

This is a step-by-step partner visa Australia checklist to help you manage it,

1. Prepare Your Documents

  • Put together all the paperwork required to support your application.
  • This includes financial records, identity documents, relationship verification, and character references.

2. Fill Your Application

  • Applying online is possible using the Department of Home Affairs website.
  • Make sure you upload all necessary documents and correctly complete the Australian partner visa application form.

Partner visa (apply in Australia) – CLICK HERE

3. Pay the Application Fee

  • Be prepared to pay the application fee, which can be fairly high for the Partner Visa.
  • On the website of the Department of Home Affairs, you can verify the current fees.

4. Undergo Health and Character Checks

  • You will be required to submit to health screenings and police clearances from countries in which you have resided for a minimum of one year during the previous ten years.

Read: Australia Student Visa (Subclass 500) Explained with Processing Timeframes

5. Wait for a Decision

  • Partner visa processing times can differ. Making a decision can take a few months or even more than a year.
  • On the website of the Department of Home Affairs, you can verify the current processing times.

6. Temporary Visa Grant

  • In between phases while your permanent visa is being processed, you may be granted a temporary visa if you applied for a Subclass 820 or 309 visa.

7. Permanent Visa Grant

  • If your relationship is still going strong after you have had the temporary visa for a set amount of time, you may be eligible to apply for the permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801 or 100).

What Documents Are Required for a Partner Visa?

Upon submitting your Australian partner visa application, you will require the following necessary paperwork,

1. Identity Documents

  • Birth certificate, passport, or national ID card Evidence of name changes, if any

2. Relationship Evidence

  • Provide records attesting to your sincere bond with your Australian spouse.
  • Photographs, joint bank accounts, correspondence history, and more are included in this.

3. Sponsor Documents

  • Evidence that your sponsor is a citizen or long-term resident of Australia

4. Health Checks

  • To show your good health, you will need to go through medical exams.

5. Police Certificates

  • Provide certifications stating your clean criminal record.

6. Any Other Requested Documents

  • Further documentation relevant to your case may be requested by the immigration department.

Do not forget to use official resources or professional counsel to get personalized guidance all over the Australian partner visa application process.

Australian Partner Visa Costs

The cost of an Australian partner visa might vary according to your unique situation. These are some approximate figures,

  • Partner Visa (Subclass 820/801)

The base fee for most applicants will be around $8,850 AUD.

The cost is reduced if you currently have a Prospective Marriage Visa ($1,475 AUD).

Remember that any more applicants who are at least 18 years old must pay additional fees.

Australian partner visa application
Australian partner visa application

Australian Partner Visa Processing Time

Many factors can affect how long it takes to process an Australian partner visa application, but the following is a general overview,

  • Temporary Partner Visa (Subclass 820)

The processing 1time for the initial temporary visa is normally between 12 and 24 months.

You will be able to live and work in Australia during this time.

  • Permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801)

You are eligible to apply for the permanent partner visa once you have held the temporary visa for at least two years.

The permanent visa typically takes 18 to 24 months to process.

Remember that these are estimates and that actual times may differ in certain situations.

It is necessary to visit the official Australian immigration website to obtain the most recent information and learn about any processing times modifications.

What If My Relationship Breakdown during the Application Process?

You must take note of the following actions in case your relationship ends while you are in the process of Australian partner visa application,

  • Inform the Department of Home Affairs

Inform the department as soon as possible of any changes to your relationship status.

Based on your situation, they will advise you on the next course of activity.

  • Available Options

It might have an impact on your temporary visa if you do not have a permanent partner visa yet.

To learn more about your options, including whether to withdraw or proceed with the application, consult a professional.

  • Legal and Emotional Support

Speak with a lawyer to learn about your rights and responsibilities.

Take care of your mental health during this trying period.

Read: What Are the Exams for Australia PR?

Australian partner visa application
Australian partner visa application

Can I Work on a Temporary Partner Visa in Australia?

Yes, in Australia, you are permitted to work with a temporary partner visa (Subclass 820).

While your application for a permanent partner visa is being processed, you can live and study in Australia with full work rights under this visa (Australian Government Department of Home Affairs).

Here are some more details you might find useful regarding the temporary partner visa (Subclass 820),

It is the first of two steps that must be taken to become an Australian permanent resident.

  • While your application is being reviewed for a permanent partner visa, the visa is valid for a maximum of two years.
  • During this time, you are free to enter and exit Australia.

Tips for a Successful Application

The Australian partner visa application can be difficult and demanding.

The following advice will help to guarantee that your Australian partner visa application is accepted,

1. Be Thorough with Documentation

  • Provide as much proof as you can to back up your relationship.
  • Statements from friends and family, rental agreements, photos, and joint bank account statements are proof of this.

2. Write a Detailed Relationship Statement

  • You should write a thorough statement about your relationship with your partner.
  • Tell about how you two met the growth of your relationship, and your plans for each other.

3. Stay Organized

  • Make copies of all the documents you submit and keep them all organized.
  • This will be beneficial if you finally need to provide more details.

4. Be Honest

  • Provide honest responses to all inquiries and accurate information.
  • Your application may be rejected if you provide false information.

5. Seek Professional Help if Needed

  • If the process seems too much for you to handle, you might want to look into hiring a registered migration agent.
  • They can help you with the procedure and guarantee that your Australian partner visa application is accurate and broad.

Check the online portal and your email frequently for any correspondence from the Department of Home Affairs. Answer any requests for more information as soon as possible.

Australian partner visa application
Australian partner visa application

Life after Getting the Partner Visa

You can take advantage of many benefits and chances in Australia after being granted a Partner Visa.

  • Work and Study

Australia is not putting any restrictions on your ability to work or study.

  • Access to Medicare

You can use Medicare, Australia’s public healthcare program if you have a valid visa.

  • Pathway to Citizenship

You might be qualified to petition for Australian citizenship after having a permanent visa for a certain period.

  • Travel Freedom

For the duration that your visa is valid, you are free to enter and exit Australia as often as you like.

Australian partner visa application
Australian partner visa application

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What documents do i need for Australian partner visa application?

Ans: You should show evidence of your relationship (marriage license or official declarations) as well as financial records for your sponsor.

2. Why is Australian partner visa so expensive?

Ans: The high demand that requires resource allocation, the government policy to fund the immigration system, and the demanding processing and verification requirements all contribute to the high cost of the Australian partner visa.

The fees also help to fund the different services offered to applicants. All of these things add up to the high price.

3. Why Australian partner visa is taking longer than?

Ans: Due to high demand, careful relationship verification procedures, and resource allocation, processing times for Australian partner visas are longer than expected.

4. How much is Australian partner visa?

Ans: The starting price for most applicants is AUD $8,850.

How to find Australian partner visa agents?

Ans: Use the official Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) website of the Australian Government to find registered migration agents.

Bottom Line

Building a life in Australia with your partner begins with Australian partner visa application. Since the process can be difficult and time-consuming, it can be made easier to handle by being aware of the requirements and being organized.

Throughout the application process, do not forget to be truthful, maintain organization, and supply full proof.

You can improve your chances of having your application accepted by doing this, and you can look forward to living in the stunning country of Australia together in the future.

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