Can I Bring My Family to Canada While Studying?

For many international students, studying in Canada is an exciting opportunity. Whether or not, you can bring the family to Canada while studying is an issue that is often discussed.

The good news is that family members of international students are welcome in Canada, but there are a few key points to know.

Let’s explore the direction through the requirements and process.

family to Canada while studying
family to Canada while studying

Can I bring my family to Canada while studying?

  • Spouse or Common-Law Partner

During your studies in Canada, you are permitted to bring your spouse or common-law partner.

While you finish your studies, they can apply for an open work permit, which will let them work in Canada for any employer.

  • Dependent Children

Your dependent children are also welcome to accompany you. They are also permitted to attend elementary or secondary schools in Canada.

In general, children under the age of 22 are regarded as dependents.

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Steps to Bring Family to Canada While Studying

1. Acceptance into a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)

  • To be eligible to bring your family to Canada, you must first be accepted into a DLI.
  • A DLI is an institution that has been granted permission by a province or territory government to accept foreign students.

2. Apply for a Study Permit

  • To study in Canada, you need a current study permit.
  • If you want your family to come with you, they should be listed on your study permit application.

3. Family Members’ Applications

  • Your common-law partner or spouse may apply for an open work permit.
  • If your kids plan to attend school in Canada, they must apply for study permits.
  • After you have been granted permission, you can submit these applications independently or with your study permit application.

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4. Proof of Funds

  • It must be proved that you have sufficient money to support your family and yourself while in Canada.
  • This covers living costs, tuition, and round-trip transportation for you and your family.

5. Medical Exams and Police Certificates

  • It is possible that as part of the application process, your family members will need to submit police certificates and undergo medical exams.
family to Canada while studying
family to Canada while studying

Benefits of Bringing Your Family

  • Having your family nearby reduces the adjustment to living in a foreign country by offering emotional support.
  • Your common-law partner or spouse can work in Canada, providing financial support for your family.
  • While you pursue your studies, your children can benefit from Canada’s excellent educational system.

Things to Consider

  • Canada can have expensive living costs, particularly in larger cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Make sure your budget reflects this.
  • Verify whether international students and their families are eligible for healthcare coverage in your province.
  • You may need to purchase private health insurance in some provinces.
  • Relocating to a new nation can be difficult. Be ready for your family’s adjustment period as well as cultural differences.
family to Canada while studying
family to Canada while studying

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can my spouse or partner work full-time while I study?

Ans: Yes, with an open work permit, your spouse or common-law partner can work full-time. This allows them to work in Canada for any employer even in the absence of a job offer.

2. Do my children need separate study permits?

Ans: Yes, if your dependent children are going to school in Canada, they will each require a separate study permit.

3. What if my study program is less than six months?

Ans: Your family members may still travel with you if your study program lasts less than six months, but they may need to apply for visitor visas rather than work or study permits.

Bottom Line

It is possible and can be a fulfilling experience to bring your family to Canada while studying.

For the reason that the process goes as smoothly as possible, make sure you meet the requirements and follow the necessary steps.

Read: How soon can a student get PR in Canada?


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