
Do Indians Need a Visa to Visit Seychelles?

The beautiful archipelago of Seychelles in the Indian Ocean has grown in popularity with Indian travelers looking for beautiful beaches and a lively culture to visit Seychelles.

The Seychelles are a dream trip for many because of its stunning landscapes and tropical charm.

Yet, you may be wondering if Indians require a visa to visit the Seychelles before you pack your bags.

Let’s check all the information you require on the Seychelles visa requirements for Indian tourists.

visit Seychelles
visit Seychelles

Do Indians Need a Visa to Visit Seychelles?

  • Visa Requirements for Indian Citizens

The good news for Indian citizens wishing to travel to Seychelles is that the country allows access without a visa for short stays.

The Seychelles is now among the most accessible foreign travel destinations for Indian tourists due to this law.

  • Duration of Stay

The Seychelles is a great place for both short trips and long holidays because Indians can enter the country without a visa and stay for up to 90 days.

Without requiring a visa, Seychelles invites visitors for both short trips and extended, peaceful stays.

  • Entry Permit Details

Indian visitors are issued an entrance permit upon arrival in lieu of a visa.

If certain requirements are satisfied, you will be granted entry permission, so you may enjoy your visit without having to worry about getting a visa ahead of time.

Conditions for Entry

While a visa is not required, there are a few requirements that Indian travelers must meet to enter the Seychelles without difficulty.

Fulfilling these requirements is essential to prevent any unforeseen situations at the airport.

1. Valid Passport

  • It is necessary to have a passport that is up to date and valid for at least six months after the date of admission into the Seychelles.
  • To avoid any problems, be careful to verify the expiration date on your passport well in advance of your travel.

2. Proof of Accommodation

  • Regardless matter whether it is a private residence or a hotel reservation, visitors must present proof of their lodging arrangements.
  • This provides lodging during your visit, which is necessary for entry.

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3. Sufficient Funds

  • Indian tourists are required to provide proof that they have enough money for their stay.
  • This proof can be provided by bank statements or travel credit cards.
  • This is to guarantee that guests staying in the Seychelles can sustain themselves financially.

4. Return or Onward Ticket

  • To show that you are leaving the Seychelles after your stay, you must present a return or onward ticket.
  • This is an important requirement because it attests to your plan to leave the country after your vacation.

Extensions and Long-Term Stays

The Seychelles allows Indian visitors who want to remain longer than 90 days to ask for an extension.

Even while most vacations last 90 days, some visitors might want to extend their stay to give the islands their complete exploration.

1. Process for Extending Stay

  • You must apply at the immigration office in Victoria to extend your stay, and you must do it before the initial 90-day period ends.
  • Early application is essential to prevent legal problems.

2. Long-Term Visa Options

  • Since long-term visas are not available in the Seychelles, there are ways to visit the country again or petition for permanent residence under certain circumstances.
  • It is worth looking into these options if you fall in love with the islands and want to remain longer.
visit Seychelles
visit Seychelles

Bottom Line

For Indian tourists, the Seychelles provides a visa-free paradise, making it simpler than ever to enjoy this tropical paradise without the trouble of getting a visa.

Every Indian traveler should think about to visit Seychelles because of its friendly entrance policies, stunning scenery, and dynamic culture.

So prepare for an incredible voyage to the Seychelles islands by packing your bags, making sure you meet the admission requirements, and starting your journey.

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