How to Get New Zealand Citizenship?

Do you wish to receive a New Zealand citizenship? You are not by yourself. New Zealand is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, amiable locals, and excellent standard of living.

Let’s explore this guide to help you understand the citizenship process if you want to move to New Zealand permanently.

New Zealand citizenship
New Zealand citizenship

How to get New Zealand citizenship?

  • Understand the Types of Citizenship

To become a citizen of New Zealand, there are two primary paths.

1. Citizenship by Birth

You are naturally a citizen if you were born in New Zealand before January 1, 2006.

If you were born after this date, you were required to have at least one citizen or resident of New Zealand at the time of your birth.

2. Citizenship by Grant

The most popular route for individuals who were not born in New Zealand is this one.

It involves going through an application process and fulfilling specific requirements.

Step 1: Meet the Eligibility Criteria

You must fulfill the following requirements so as to apply for citizenship by grant,

  • Permanent Resident Status

You have to have lived in New Zealand permanently for a minimum of five years.

  • Living in New Zealand

You have to have spent an important part of the last five years as a resident of New Zealand.

In particular, you must have visited New Zealand for at least 1,350 days over the previous five years, with at least 240 days spent there each year.

  • Good Character

You need to be of good character, which involves not having any major criminal records.

  • English Language

To be able to participate in daily life, you must be able to understand and speak English fluently.

  • Intent to Continue Living in New Zealand

You should want to stay in New Zealand after getting citizenship.

Read: Student Visa Guidelines for Studying in New Zealand

Step 2: Prepare Your Documents

Get the required paperwork before applying.

  • Your birth certificate
  • Your passport
  • Proof of permanent residency
  • Evidence of your time spent in New Zealand (such as travel records)
  • Police certificates from countries you have lived in for more than 12 months in the past 10 years
  • Two references who can vouch for your good character

Step 3: Submit Your Application

You can apply for New Zealand citizenship online or by mail.

Here is how

1. Online Application

  • Visit the New Zealand Citizenship website – CLICK HERE
  • Create an account and fill out the application form.
  • Upload scanned copies of your documents.
  • Pay the application fee.

2. Paper Application

  • Download the application form from the New Zealand Citizenship website – CLICK HERE
  • Fill out the form and attach copies of your documents.
  • Send the form and documents to the Department of Internal Affairs, along with the application fee.
New Zealand citizenship
New Zealand citizenship

Step 4: Attend a Citizenship Ceremony

You will receive an invitation to a citizenship ceremony if your application is accepted.

At the ceremony, you are going to,

  • Accept the New Zealand Oath of Allegiance or Affirmation of Allegiance.
  • Get your citizenship certificate.
  • You are welcome to invite family and friends to join you in celebrating this special ceremony.

Step 5: Apply for a New Zealand Passport

After getting your citizenship certificate, you are eligible to apply for a passport to New Zealand.

The last step towards receiving full citizenship in New Zealand is this.

What happens if my application is declined?

You will receive a letter outlining the reasons for any application declines.

If you can resolve the problems or meet the requirements in the future, you are welcome to reapply.

Additionally, you can challenge the decision that was made.

Bottom Line

Getting New Zealand citizenship is a rewarding process that provides a wealth of opportunities.

You can successfully complete the citizenship process and take advantage of all the advantages that come with being a citizen of this wonderful country by following these steps.

Read: Who Can Sponsor a Visitor to NZ?

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