Temporary Graduate Visa: Post-Study Work Options in Australia

One such chance is the Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485), which allows foreign graduates to stay longer in Australia to get worthwhile work experience.

Australia is a well-liked choice for international students due to its excellent educational system as well as the career prospects that wait for them after graduation.

Temporary Graduate Visa
Temporary Graduate Visa

Temporary Graduate Visa

  • TGV (subclass 485)

After completing their studies, foreign graduates are permitted to live, study, and work in Australia under the Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485).

This visa provides a means to gain professional work experience and investigate potential future opportunities within this country.

485 visa processing time – CLICK HERE

Types of Temporary Graduate Visa

The Graduate Work stream and the Post-Study Work stream are the two primary categories under the Temporary Graduate Visa.

1. Graduate Work Stream

  • International students who have recently graduated and have qualifications and skills related to a skilled occupation on the skilled occupation list are eligible to apply for the Graduate Work stream.
  • For people whose skills are in demand in Australia, this stream is meant.

2. Post-Study Work Stream

  • Regardless of their field of study, overseas students who have recently graduated with a degree from an Australian institution can apply for the Post-Study Work stream.
  • Graduates from a wider range of disciplines are welcome to apply to this stream, which is more flexible.

Eligibility Requirements

The TGV requires applicants to fulfill specific requirements to be eligible.

1. Education Qualifications

  • Candidates must have recently finished an Australian study program that satisfies the requirements for the visa stream for which they are applying.
  • Having studied full-time for at least two academic years is a requirement for this.

2. English Proficiency

  • The Temporary Graduate Visa application requires proof of English language proficiency.
  • The Department of Home Affairs has set minimum requirements for English language test scores that applicants must meet.

3. Health and Character Requirements

  • To receive the TGV, applicants must fulfill several requirements related to their health and morality.
  • Usually, this involves obtaining police certifications and undergoing health exams.

Application Process

There are multiple steps in the TGV application process.

1. Gather Required Documents

  • All required paperwork must be gathered and ready for submission before the application process can begin.
  • This includes documents attesting to one’s identity, credentials for education, fluency in English, and character and health.

2. Submit Your Application

  • Online applications are accepted through the Department of Home Affairs website for the Temporary Graduate Visa.
  • To prevent delays, it is necessary to make sure all information is correct and broad.

3. Await Decision

  • Applicants have to wait for a decision after submitting their application, which could take a while.
  • The Department of Home Affairs may ask for more information or documentation during this time.

Read: Which OSHC is best for Australia?

Benefits of the Temporary Graduate Visa

International graduates can benefit from having a TGV in some ways.

  • Work Opportunities

Visa holders can improve their career prospects by working in Australia and gaining valuable experience.

Having this experience may help you land a long-term job abroad or in Australia.

  • Pathway to Permanent Residency

For those who want to remain in Australia permanently, the TGV can also be a means of getting there.

Getting employment in Australia can help a candidate become more eligible for other skilled migration visas.

Temporary Graduate Visa
Temporary Graduate Visa

Tips for Maximizing Post-Study Work Opportunities

Take into consideration the following advice to maximize your post-study employment opportunities.

1. Network with Industry Professionals

  • Developing a strong professional network can lead to professional growth and employment possibilities.
  • To grow your network, go to industry events, sign up for associations, and make connections with former students.

2. Continue Learning and Upskilling

  • Getting more education and developing new skills can help you stand out in the job market.
  • To improve your skills, think about signing up for workshops, short courses, or additional education.

Bottom Line

For international graduates looking to gain work experience and possibly open doors for a future in Australia, the Temporary Graduate Visa is a great opportunity.

Read: Australian Visa Application Fees – What You Need to Know


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