
What is the Total Living Cost in New Zealand for International Students?

New Zealand has become a popular destination for international students due to its high-quality education system and stunning natural landscapes. Still, getting to know the total living cost in New Zealand is essential for planning and budgeting.

Let’s explore the details of the expenses international students can expect while studying in New Zealand.

total living cost in New Zealand
total living cost in New Zealand

What is the Total Living Cost in New Zealand for International Students?

  • Tuition Fees

1. Average Tuition Costs for Undergraduate Programs

On average, undergraduate programs can range from NZD 20,000 to NZD 35,000 per year.

2. Average Tuition Costs for Postgraduate Programs

Postgraduate programs typically range from NZD 22,000 to NZD 40,000 annually, depending on the field of study.

3. Differences in Tuition Fees between Public and Private Institutions

Public universities tend to have more affordable tuition fees compared to private institutions, which can be sometimes higher.

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Accommodation Costs

1. On-Campus Accommodation

University dormitories can cost between NZD 200 and NZD 400 per week, including utilities and internet.

Pros: Convenient location, inclusive of utilities, and social environment.

Cons: Limited privacy and potentially higher costs.

2. Off-Campus Accommodation

Renting an apartment or house can vary widely, from NZD 150 to NZD 350 per week.

Types: Apartments, homestays, shared houses.

Pros: More privacy and flexibility.

Cons: Additional costs for utilities and internet.

3. Tips for Finding Affordable Housing

Start looking early, consider shared accommodations, and explore different neighborhoods to find the best deals and total living cost in New Zealand.

Read: Work Visa Options for Expats Planning to Move to New Zealand

Food and Groceries

The cost of food and groceries can add up, but students can manage their expenses by being mindful of their shopping habits.

1. Average Monthly Grocery Costs

  • Expect to spend around NZD 300 to NZD 500 per month on groceries.

2. Eating Out OR Cooking at Home

  • Cooking at home is cheaper than eating out, with meals at restaurants costing between NZD 10 and NZD 25.

3. Tips for Saving on Food Expenses

  • Shop at local markets, buy in bulk, and take advantage of student discounts at grocery stores.


Including transportation in total living cost in New Zealand will vary depending on where you live and how often you travel.

1. Public Transport

  • Buses, trains, and ferries offer student discounts, with monthly passes ranging from NZD 100 to NZD 200.

2. Biking and Walking

  • These are cost-effective and healthy alternatives for getting around.

3. Costs of Owning a Car

  • If you choose to own a car, consider fuel (approximately NZD 2.50 per liter), insurance, and maintenance costs.

Utilities and Internet

1. Average Monthly Costs for Electricity, Water, and Gas

  • Utilities can cost between NZD 150 and NZD 200 per month, depending on usage.

2. Internet and Mobile Phone Plans

  • Expect to pay around NZD 50 to NZD 100 per month for internet, and NZD 20 to NZD 40 for mobile plans.

3. Tips for Reducing Utility Bills

  • Conserve energy by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, and choose energy-efficient devices.
total living cost in New Zealand
total living cost in New Zealand

Health Insurance

Total living cost in New Zealand including health insurance is mandatory for international students in New Zealand, ensuring they have access to necessary medical care.

1. Types of Health Insurance Available for International Students

  • Most universities offer insurance plans, or students can choose from private providers.

2. Average Cost of Health Insurance

  • This can range from NZD 200 to NZD 700 per year, depending on the coverage.

Miscellaneous Expenses

1. Books and Study Materials

  • These can cost between NZD 500 and NZD 1,000 per year.

2. Personal Expenses

  • Clothing, entertainment, and leisure activities can add up to around NZD 100 to NZD 300 per month.

3. Emergency Fund

  • It is important to set aside an emergency fund of at least NZD 500 to NZD 1,000 for unexpected expenses.

Bottom Line

Understanding the total living cost in New Zealand must for international students to effectively manage their finances and make the most of their study experience.

Read: How much is health insurance for international students in New Zealand?

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