Can a Digital Nomad Visa Lead to Permanent Residency in Spain?

The freedom to work remotely from stunning locations all over the world is attracting more and more people to the digital nomad lifestyle. Is it possible to get a permanent residency in Spain for a digital nomad?

Let’s analyze this subject in detail.

Digital Nomad Visa Lead to Permanent Residency in Spain
Digital Nomad Visa Lead to Permanent Residency in Spain

Digital nomad visa lead to permanent residency in Spain

A new digital nomad visa that Spain is offering desires to create remote workers from all over the world.

This visa is an aspect of Spain’s Startup Act, which aims to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation within this country.

What you should know is as highlighted below,

1. Eligibility

To qualify for Spain’s digital nomad visa, you need to,

  • Work remotely for a company based outside of Spain.
  • Have a minimum income (the exact amount can vary, so check the latest requirements).
  • Provide proof of employment and income.
  • Have health insurance that covers your stay in Spain.

2. Duration

Normally, a digital nomad visa is good for one year.

You can stay in Spain for a total of three years if you renew it for up to two more years.

Spain digital nomad visa official website – CLICK HERE

Path to Permanent Residency

1. Temporary Residence

  • At first, the digital nomad visa allows temporary residency.
  • You can apply for a renewal after having been living in Spain for a year.
  • You can stay for up to three years by repeating this renewal process.

2. Long-Term Residency

  • You might be able to apply for long-term residency in Spain after living there continuously for five years.
  • This includes digital nomads as well as any non-EU national who has resided continuously and lawfully in Spain for the last five years.
Digital Nomad Visa Lead to Permanent Residency in Spain
Digital Nomad Visa Lead to Permanent Residency in Spain

3. Requirements for Long-Term Residency

  • You must have lived in Spain for 5 consecutive years.
  • You must have a stable income and health insurance.
  • You need to show integration into Spanish society, which could include language proficiency and knowledge of local customs.

Read: Does Portugal offer a digital nomad visa?

Transition from Digital Nomad Visa to Permanent Residency in Spain

  • Apply for the Digital Nomad Visa

First, ensure you have all the required paperwork, including evidence of income, work, and health insurance.

Send your application to the embassy or consulate of Spain.

  • Renew Your Visa

Apply for a renewal of your visa after a year.

Make sure you fulfill all requirements and send up-to-date documents.

  • Continuous Residence

Live in Spain continuously for five years. This means you should avoid long absences from the country, as these could affect your eligibility for long-term residency.

  • Apply for Long-Term Residency

After five years, build the necessary documents and apply for permanent residence.

Be ready to provide documentation of your long-term residency, steady employment, health coverage, and integration into Spanish society.

Digital Nomad Visa Lead to Permanent Residency in Spain
Digital Nomad Visa Lead to Permanent Residency in Spain

Potential Challenges

It is possible to go from a digital nomad visa to permanent residency in Spain, but there are some things to keep in mind.

1. Income Requirements

  • Ensure you consistently meet the income requirements for your visa renewals and long-term residency application.
  • Financial stability is a key criterion for residency.

2. Renewal Process

  • The renewal process for the digital nomad visa can be demanding, requiring updated documentation and proof of continued eligibility.
  • Be prepared for this administrative task each year.

3. Legal and Bureaucratic Hurdles

  • It can be difficult to deal with Spanish bureaucracy, particularly if you do not understand the language well.
  • Consulting with immigration consultants or attorneys may speed up the process.

Bottom Line

The digital nomad visa can be a first step toward permanent residency in Spain even though it does not grant it directly.

For those who want to explore the possibility of making Spain their permanent home while still enjoying the freedom of remote work, Spain is a desirable option due to its friendly atmosphere and digital nomad visa.

Read: Is France good for digital nomads?


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